Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finally here!

Greetings from West Africa!

I am here now, being eaten alive by mosquitoes, speaking a language that is almost foreign to me, and soaking up God's goodness! Bissa hospitality is wonderful! I will admit I was nervous upon arriving. I was apprehensive on the drive here, being truly alone in a land where I know no one, but the bright sun and smiling faces of the people took away some doubts. God continuously reminds me "Daughter, do not be afraid; this is where i have called you."

I was overwhelmed with the sudden knowledge that though i am so far away. I have come to realize that we are one people, one world, serving one God.

There is a love greater than anyone can imagine that fills me up. And unlike anything else in the world, as i give it away it doesn't ever run out but only multiplies. and THIS, this is Jesus.

Today we expanded our French vocabulary and learned scripture and songs in Moore. We also had many fun experiences practicing our language with the nationals at the local bakery. Please pray for us as we continue to learn and prepare for our ministry here in Ouaga. Please pray also for Willis and John Paul, who have had 2 unexpected overnight layovers and will not arrive until tomorrow.
Today I was reminded of this: God is faithful to those He calls!
We are here. God is here. It's a first step. We're going for it.


  1. so excited that you are there! :) praying for your sweet spirit and for the language barrier...may He grant you an unbelievable understanding & ability to communicate!

  2. So happy to hear you're there - and God is too!
    I love you!

  3. i'm so glad to hear that you made it and are having such a time! i know you will do great things for Him while you are there! other than these wonderful words of encouragement i wanted to let you know that I GOT THE JOB!!! and i will be teaching LA-4 at north polk in the fall! love ya and can't wait to see you when you get back!

  4. you have such a great perspective on your time there. God is there and will continue to guide you as you walk in obedience. and i know you have come this far. looking forward to reading more. know that i am praying for you.
