Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bitter sweet goodbye

All I can do is cry holy.

I absolutely LOVE Africa.
This blog will never be able to contain the amount of growth that I have experienced in Burkina or the excitement that I feel about Ghana. But I am also beginning to miss home and all of the BIG hearts and smiles that Louisiana brings. Lots of mixed emotions. I rest in knowing that neither is my eternal home.

We have been working with a church here called Grace Baptist Church. As a gift for their helping us during our stay here, we decided to paint the inside of their church for them before we left. They chose a nice shade of blue for the top portion and a tan color for the bottom. Here's some pictures from today's work:

Tomorrow is my last day in Burkina Faso. As for Jamila and Habiba.. I purchased a Bible in French to give to Jamila tomorrow. I hope that she will read it, and Habiba will listen since she is illiterate. They have each been exposed to the Gospel, but say they are not ready to commit 100 percent yet. I am begging God that He not let them rest comfortably until their salvation is dealt with. Sometimes we are called to bring in the harvest, but more often we are called to be faithful in planting seeds. The seed has been planted and watered. Lord, bring the harvest!

Thursday I head to Ghana to finish out my stay here. I'm excited about Ghana for several reasons:
  • checking out the hospital! (and possibly helping with some surgeries!)
  • bucket baths and hut floor sleeping!
  • ... i hear there's great termite eating in Ghana!
  • speaking some English! (they speak Ghanaian English)
  • cooler weather
Sometimes I feel so tired that I think if I give away any more of myself I may actually be empty. And then I remember, it is only in giving away the love given to me by the Father that I am ever actually full. And so I keep going because of love. Because holding her hand and saying 'I love you' actually can change the world for a little girl. Because maybe through my hands she can get just a glimpse of a fraction of the love her Maker has for her. There is nothing better.

When I am weak, He is strong. Hold me, Lord, lift me. Be strong in my life.

Please continue to pray. I believe that prayer moves mountains and mends hearts. Look around you. Mountains are being moved and hearts are being mended. YOU are a part of that! Please pray that our team would continue to live and love recklessly, freely, extravagantly. Knowing God, knowing humanity, and recklessly trying to to bridge the gap in the small way that we can until this world can conform to the norms of the Kingdom of God. On EARTH as it is in Heaven.

.. keeping my eyes on the cross... and pressing on!


  1. Oh, you beautiful, beautiful girl! God bless you!

  2. Everytime I read your blog Kasey, I tear up. I know you are doing great things in Africa!
    I want to share with you a verse Beau gave me two summers ago when I was at ChoYeh..Hebrews 6:10. " God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you helped his people and continue to help them." Finish strong! I love you!

  3. each day i am so excited to see if you have a new update, and each time i read i am so encouraged, inspired, and just so thankful for what God is doing in you, through you, and around you! He is good... thank you for being an ambassador of His love. Because you are right, my friend, His love changes hearts. Praying that the Lord would fill you up as you continue to pour....

  4. overwhelmed with JOY as you continue to pour your love out! thank you for your faithfullness & beautiful hands to serve! continuously praying for you! :)

  5. First let me just say, you are ROCKIN' those skirts! Second, you are such an encouragement to me, without fail, every time I read your blog!! I love you so and cannot wait to see you!
