I couldn't help but think of my motives for doing "good things". Here is this woman who doesn't know Love, but still chooses to pay a GINORMOUS amount of money and take in an orphaned child to love. And I'm left wondering this. How can people separate the Love that I know and the love that this woman knows? I am loved by the CREATOR of love. I am continuously shown love by the one who invented it. I know love. True love. Can people look at the way that I love and the way this woman loves, and tell a difference? I pray that people can look at the love I show and tell that it’s different, that it’s real. May there be undeniable evidence of the Creator of LOVE in my life. Lord, teach me to love better...
Friday and Saturday I got to spend some much needed time with my sister. We spent a fun afternoon at Biedenharn Gardens, Kiroli Park, and just hanging out in town!

I have successfully completed my Maternity rotation for clinicals (and to much surprise, I REALLY loved it!) Now I am working on my Pediatric rotation at St. Francis Medical Center. One of my favorite parts of this rotation is play time! I love taking this sick kiddos to the playroom and seeing their imaginations come alive! Who ever knew that school could be so fun!?
One more thing... quite possibly the thing I am most excited about right now.. Exactly 4 weeks until I’m hanging out in an orphanage in Mexico, holding a sweet, smiling kid! Ah, I just cant wait!!