-WHY is 1/3 of the world's population considered unreached?
-WHY do people claim the name of Jesus, but their lives don't reflect that?
-WHY do we throw people out on the mission field and forget to pray for them?
-WHY are the harvest bells ringing but no one is listening?
Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.
Proverbs 24:11
Proverbs 24:11
I'm struggling to finish reading a book. Something I've never really had to deal with before. I know that HE is working in my life. Francis Chan's "Forgotten God" has completely rocked my world lately. He said this: "And like our Savior, who poured out His life and blood so we have reason to rejoice, we were made to lay down our lives and give until it hurts. We are most alive when we are loving and actively giving of ourselves because we were made to do these things" This has resonated as truth over and over again in my life lately. I know that it is only when I am pouring out and giving of myself that I am truly full of the Father's unconditional love for me.