You realize that no one can take anything away from you. It wasn't yours to begin with.
No one can take advantage of your trust. Your trust is in the Lord not in man.
Your life is not your own, your belongings are not your own, and your grief is not your own. I say to you today, we can rejoice because we have been deemed worthy to suffer as Christ has suffered!
To be counted worthy, to suffer in His name - what a blessing that He allows a glimpse into what He endured for all!
Let us continue pushing forward for the cause of Christ. May we not forget in the darkness what God has shown us in the light.
So on a different note: I'm not completely excited that school has started back, but I'm enjoying relaxing time at my new apartment before the studying of nursing school sets back in too deep! This semester's rotations: OB and Peds! Pretty exciting/interesting stuff, might I add!! Actual clinicals start in two weeks and I can't wait! Until then, I'm soaking up as much friend time as possible!
This weekend makes my first trip home since the start of the semester. I've missed my family more than usual. (with the exception of my sister, who is now in Monroe with me!!!) The week before coming to Monroe, our dog had puppies, but she didn't make it all the way through the delivery. Needless to say, I spent my last few days at home feeding 2 newborn pups by bottle every 2 hours! Whew! But I'm excited about playing with them again this weekend!

Right now I'm enjoying some of needtobreathe's latest music. Check out their new album:

Right now I'm enjoying some of needtobreathe's latest music. Check out their new album: