Saturday, May 16, 2009

I am Peter

So I've been reading about Peter lately. And if I put away my pride and get real with myself, I can relate to Peter time and time again. Here's the conclusion I've come to:

In the beginning, Peter was probably one of, if not the worst disciple. I think I am Peter. Jesus tells Peter that Peter will deny Him 3 times; Peter says, "No! I love you, I could never deny you, Lord." Yet we all know that Peter does in fact denies Jesus 3 times.

"I am Peter" nombre un: I know in my heart and my soul and the core of my being that I LOVE the Lord, that I would do anything for Him, go to the ends of the earth for Him, but how often do i forget to give the glory back to His name? How often do I take compliments without giving Him the credit, without the honor and praise back to God who has given me this work? Do I, as Peter, deny Jesus the glory that is His?

"I am Peter" nombre deux: Jesus told His disciples that it was God's will for Him to be arrested. He went willingly when the soldiers came to take Him, but enthusiastic, loving Peter raised his sword and cut off a soldier's ear. I'm sure Jesus laughed a little and shook His head as He put the ear right back on the guy. "Put your sword away," Jesus commanded, "shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" I am Peter. I have my own time frame. When I don't see things happening, I try to make them happen. And Jesus says, "Put away your sword, put away your plans. Shall we not do what the Father has asked of us?" So like Peter, I put away my plans, my defenses, and watch as everything happens perfectly, in God's own timing.

"I am Peter" nombre trois: After Jesus had risen, He appeared to His disciples while they were fishing. When Peter saw Him, he excitedly jumped out of the boat and began swimming to where Jesus stood. Needless to say, the boat probably reached the shore long before Peter. I am Peter. Excitedly jumping into things, and then standing, soaking wet, at the feet of Jesus. I get excited, forget to think things through, and end up doing them the long way. Again and again, Jesus welcomes my soaking wet self into His arms and is simply happy to see me, just like He was peter.

I am Peter who made many mistakes, but I am Peter who God had great plans for, who God has made to do His work. The very night that Peter foolishly jumped out of the boat, Jesus asked Him in the presence of the other disciples. "Do you truly love me?" He asked. "Then feed my lambs." "Do you really love me? Take care of my lambs." "Peter, DO YOU LOVE me? Feed my sheep, and come. Come follow Me."

For each time that I deny God the Glory that is His, for each time I follow my will instead of listening to His, for each time I jump ahead without first consulting my Lord, He asks,

“Kasey, do you truly love me?” and I do.

“Feed my sheep.” And I will. And I do.

“Come follow me.” And I am, or at least I am trying.

I am Peter. I mess up. I make mistakes, I am far from perfect, and God will use me.

Thank you, God, for not being finished with me yet. Thank you for choosing to use imperfect vessels. Thank you for forgiveness.

Now go.

Feed His sheep.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary
& His understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

(Isaiah 40:28-31)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Level 2...

PASSED! YES!! Thank you, Jesus!! Level 3, here I come! It is so evident to me right now that God has a HUGE plan for my life. I'm excited to see what the future holds! And I'm ready to be a real nurse!
Now that the semester is over, I can finally catch up on things that have been put aside... like sleep! And time at home with my fun family! Here's some things that have kept me busy since I've been home:
My kid sister graduated high school!!!
Fun times at Jacob's soccer game
And time to hang out with friends!

Not so exciting things about ending the semester:
I'm gunna miss living with Jess...
(But YAY for getting married!!!! TSE!)
But hello to a new roomie!!

As I was driving home from Monroe, I was listening to podcast, and I was reminded of this:
So often we define ourselves by things of this world. We wrap our identity up in the wrong things. We get caught up in our appearance, our jobs, the way our house is decorated, or sometimes we even let our relationships define us. I constantly need to be reminded to let Christ's love define me. We are acceptable in God's sight, the beauty is we never have to EARN God's favor.. He already loves us!! So why do we spend so much time and money investing in things that aren't eternal?

Perry Noble put it like this: Think about the person you admire the most... What do you admire about them? It's probably not the way they look, their house, or even who they are dating or married to. It's probably something like how patient they are, their kindness, or maybe that they're great at forgiving! Appearance, money, decorations.... how much does it really matter?

Jesus in us coming out of us on a continuous basis is what makes us admirable and attractive.

God, teach us to see ourselves and others as You see us!

Let Christ's love define you.